Well, well, WELL! This is exciting news.....we love the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street but there are big changes on the horizon!
We have all heard for many years that Oxford Street was due a huge cash injection to pedestrianise one of London's most adored shopping districts. It seems that this is finally underway with some compromise and changes due to recent push back from the residents and businesses.

Plans will start at the end of 2021 with both sides of Oxford Street being closed to ALL vehicles (yes, this also means buses and taxi's) making way for a traffic free "piazza" creating an iconic destination in the very heart of London.
TFL are to announce new bus routes around Oxford Circus, Marylebone and Fitzrovia with additional entrances to Oxford Circus underground station being planned to tackle the vast number of passengers (a staggering 84.1 million journeys per year source ) at London's third busiest underground station.

Source: Westminster Council
Westminster council leader Rachael Robathan said: “There is an urgent need to tackle pedestrian congestion and safety, poor air quality and noise. The serious congestion of Oxford Circus - of people and of traffic - is unsustainable and demands action. In the aftermath of the pandemic, and with the arrival of the Elizabeth Line, there is an overwhelming need and a compelling opportunity to build back better.
The improvement is one of a series of measures in a £150 million programme designed to attract visitors back to the West End after the pandemic. They include the “Marble Arch Mound” viewing platform being built at the western end of Oxford Street.

The British Heart Foundation previously quoted ‘ This is an important step towards tackling air pollution on one of the busiest streets in the UK. Initiatives like this encourage people to walk and be active, which not only cuts emissions but also helps people lower their risk of heart disease and stroke’
The Lifestyle Guide will keep you posted on what new shops, hotels and restaurants will be pulling into the West End to be a part of this exciting new development!
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